Project RGS 41


Live Steam Links


To contact us please email "projectrgs41 at"

Live steam clubs we have had the privledge to be envited to:
(In alphabetical order.)

Bitter Creek Western Railroad
Arroyo Grande, CA.

Golden Gate Live Steamers
Tilden Regional Park, Oakland, CA.

Joshua Tree and Southern Railroad Museum
Joshua Tree, CA.

Los Angeles Live Steamers
Griffith Park, Los Angeles, CA.

Riverside Live Steamers
Hunter Park, Riverside, CA.

Sacramento Valley Live Steamers Railroad Museum
Hagen Community Park, Rancho Cordova, CA.

Train Mountain Railroad
Chiloquin, OR.

Live steam suppliers we have done business with:
(In alphabetical order.)

Ridgway Roundhouse Products
C-19 castings and other narrow gauge supplies.

Loco Parts
Whistles, brake valves, and other cab accessories for "Allen", "Little Engines" and others

Pike Lake and Eastern ShopsNarrow Gauge 10 wheeler, castings, bolt-together or RTR. Build the "Critter". DC drive motors, controls etc.

Roll Models, Inc.
7 1/2" & 15" gauge. Traction power bases, electric & gas/hydraulic locomotives, track, rolling stock, stations, more.

SuperScale Locomotive Company
Steam injectors and other products.

Ulin Locomotive Works
Narrow gauge "Mason" and "Shay" steam locomotive parts.

For further links please check out Discover Live Steam. A great place for live steam information.